Online identity and reputation will be decentralized.
We will own the data that belongs to us.
Data is proof. Everything is stored. Is all this data good for us? What if certain data is never removed? What if all our interactions are kept, forever? Proof of work. Proof of stake. Proof of life, through data?
Who are we online? Who am I, who are you? Who knows us? Who tracks us? Is it allowed to be anonymous? Can we buy something privately online? Should we?
Exclude bad actors. What if someone misbehaves? How is your online reputation? Who decides? Should anyone ever get excluded? Permanently? Should blacklists exists?
AI and Robots. Should we embrace more decisions taken by algorithms. AI a blessing, or a threat? AI consumes data, will they ever have enough? What if we loose control and robots take over?
I am excited and scared at the same time because data is becoming so powerful in our online world. A world where everything is connected, where fake and fact are fighting for attention, where AI makes our decisions and increasingly more is stored in immutable blockchains.
Dataset #1
Version 1 – 17-Nov-2020
37 datapools included
7065 lines
From: 27-oct-2020 18:00 (CET)
To: 16-nov-2020 00:00 (CET)
This dataset is powered by Etherscan.io APIs
Table 1: Activity and Liquidity
> .CSV file format
> Data pool
> 1 hr timeframes (since creation)
> Pool (ref, addr)
> Time since creation (hrs, days)
Ocean and Datatoken metrics:
> Transactions (in, out)
> Liquidity (in, out)
> Users (number of unique eth addresses involved; in, out)
> Data buys (datatoken = 1)
Hourly averages:
> Ocean liquidity per user (in, out)
> Ocean liquidity per Tx (in, out)
> Ocean liquidity
> Datatokens
Report 1: Charts per datapool
> .PDF file format
> 4 hr timeframe
Generic overview page
> Chart: transactions and users per day
> Table: totals per datapool
Datapool specific pages
> Chart: liquidity in, liquidity out and $Ocean in the pool
> Table: totals for that datapool
Version 1 – 18-Nov-2020
32 datapools included
8438 lines
From: 27-oct-2020 18:00 (CET)
To: 18-nov-2020 08:00 (CET)
This dataset is powered by Etherscan.io APIs
Table 1: Activity and Liquidity
same as above, no changes
Report 1: Charts per datapool
same as above, no changes
Version 1.1 – 14-Dec-2020
44 datapools included
25,276 lines
48,2 MB (zip)
From: 27-oct-2020 18:00 (CET)
To: 14-dec-2020 12:00 (CET)
This dataset is powered by Etherscan.io APIs
Table 1: Activity and Liquidity (Hr)
same as above, no changes
Table 2: Activity and Liquidity (Daily)
similar table, aggregated per pool + day
Table 3: User totals (per eth Addr)
Different pools, Tx in/out, Ocean in/out, Datatokens in/out.
Report 1: Charts overview
- Bar-Chart: Average Ocean transaction size
- Bar-Chart: Average Datatoken transaction size
- Scatter-Chart: Distribution of Datapools: $Ocean Tx vs Datatoken Tx
Also: a separate PDF with last week and last full month
Report 2: Charts per datapool
- Table: totals for this datapool
- Table: averages for this datapool
- Bar-chart: Transactions (Ocean, Datatoken, unique users)
- Bar-chart: Datatoken transactions (grouped per size)
- Scatter: User transactions (Ocean and Datatoken)
- Scatter: User liquidity (Ocean In) vs Profit
Version 1.2 – 8-apr-2021
118 datapools included in the CSV tables and generic PDF report. 63 selected datapools have a dedicated PDF report.
41,640 lines
113 MB (zip)
From: 27-oct-2020 18:00 (CET)
To: 8-apr-2021 16:00 (CET)
This dataset is powered by Etherscan.io APIs
Table 1: Activity and Liquidity (Hr)
same as above, no changes
Table 2: Activity and Liquidity (Daily)
similar table, aggregated per pool + day
Table 3: User totals (per eth Addr)
Different pools, Tx in/out, Ocean in/out, Datatokens in/out, Stakes, Trades, Buys, First/Last active.
Table 4: Transactions
All datapool transactions, including the pool owner’s transaction to get the ‘mint’ and ‘consume’ transaction types.
Report 1: Charts overview
- Bar-Chart: Transactions and Users per day
- Scatter-Chart: Distribution of Datapools: $Ocean Tx vs Datatoken Tx
- Table: different metrics per datapool
- Bar-Chart: Top20 pools based on transactions
- Bar-Chart: Top20 pools based on $ocean liquidity
- Bar-Chart: Average Ocean transaction size
- Bar-Chart: Average Datatoken transaction size
Also: a separate PDF with last week and last full month
Report 2: Charts per datapool
- Table: totals for this datapool
- Table: pool owner metrics
- Bar-chart: Transactions per type (per date)
- Bar-chart: $ocean liquidity in/out (per date)
- Bar-chart: $ocean transaction per date (grouped per type)
- Scatter: User transactions (Ocean and Datatoken)
- Table: Users involved (top 40 based on $ocean volume)
Note: pool-specific report is available for a selection of relevant/active pools
We’ll let you know on Twitter when datasets are updated!
Table 1: Activity and Liquidity
> …
Report 1: Charts per datapool
> …
Information is never done. So is this dataset. Here are some things that we hope to add in the future.
- Automated chart process allowing for more frequent updates
- Activity and Liquidity per user
- Dynamic price trends per dataset
- Higher-level aggregated tables (4 hrs, 1-day)
- Lower-level aggregated tables (10-minutes, 1-minute)
- Dataset performance benchmark
What is Ocean Marketplace?
Use Ocean Market to publish data, stake on data (curate), and buy data. Earn by selling, staking, or running your own fork of Ocean Market. Data has automatic price discovery. Data is published as interoperable ERC20 datatokens. Compute-to-data enables private data to be bought & sold. It’s a decentralized exchange (DEX), tuned for data.
Ocean aims to unlock data, for more equitable outcomes for users of data, using a thoughtful application of both technology and governance.
“Society is becoming increasingly reliant on data, especially with the advent of AI. However, a small handful of organizations with both massive data assets and AI capabilities attained worrying levels of control which is a danger to a free and open society.”